Monday, March 10, 2008

Mission Statement

"Eisenhower Medical Center, a not-for-profit organization, exists to serve the changing health care needs of our region by providing excellence in patient care with supportive education and research."
Every organization has its mission, primary purpose, a reason for being. There are three main elements of a mission statement. They are: the purpose, the business, and the values. In my opinion, Eisenhower Medical Center has a very comprehensive and succinct mission statement. It does not only identify three major elements, but also describe the name and the type of the organization. As we can see, the purpose of this not-for-profit organization is to seve the changing health care needs. The business is providing excellence in patient care in their region. And last, the based on the needs of the patients, Eisenhower Medical Center support them with more educations and reseraches. (The values)
Eisenhower Medical Center has more than 35 years of history. It originally opened in 1917. Over the past years, it is recognized for its Center of Excellence in Oncology, Cardiovascular, and Orthopedics. As of June 2006, there were over 11,858 surgical procedures done. In the future, I believe Eisenhower Medical Center will keep committing in this mission and help more people who's in need.


Ting Fang Wu said...

I agree with you that Eisenhower Medical Center's mission statement clearly states the type of business, the values, and the purpose. Eisenhower Medical Center's mission statement is short and clear. It targets on people who need health care. This non-profit organization also try to change and provide excellent health care needs to benefit people.

Amarilys said...

I agree, Eisenhower Medical Center is an example of a good mission statement. As you mentioned a good mission statement should include their purpose, business and values. This mission statement includes all: their purpose “to serve the changing health care needs”, their business “a not-for-profit organization” and their values “providing excellence in patient care with supportive education and research. This mission statement is clear and succinct, even a person unfamiliar with this hospital will gain a better understanding after reading their mission statement.

Enara said...

I love the fact that Eisenhower Medical Center has specified "education and research" as a goal in thier mission. This gives both the patient and the investor a sense of assurance; for the patient - that their well-being is of continual interest to the center, that new findings and treatments will be incorporated into thier healthcare. For the investor, it shows that this center is looking into the future and seeks to establish its position with prior knowledge and anticipation of the changes that may come.

Yosjaira Matos said...

Hi, I agree with you that a mission statement should mention a purpose, its business and its values, I just wish Eisenhower Medical Center's would it have added something to make the statement sound like a future goal or vision. For instance, adding “and will continue to do so with the use of”, or etc..: Eisenhower Medical Center, a not-for-profit organization, exists to serve the changing health care needs of our region by providing excellence in patient care and will continue to do so with the use of supportive education and research." I believe that a mission statement should sound as a future everyday goal. This mission sounds just like what is happening now, not what they want to happened in the future.